Wavelets application to study the bedforms of Parana River

Ronald R. Gutierrez, Jorge D. Abad, Daniel Parsons, Jim Best, Oscar Orfeo

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


The configuration and behavior of river bedforms is strongly governed by the interrelationship between present sediment load and hydraulic conditions. A quantitative description of both configuration and behavior is necessary to understand and establish the effect they bring on bedform migration and roughness changes. This contribution elaborates on the application of one-dimensional wavelet transforms to describe the bed morphology of natural channels. Since the election of the mother wavelet is crucial to retrieve representative information of the signal, this contribution also provides insights in the criteria to choose the most efficient mother wavelet based on sampling frequency and signal-to-noise ratios quantities. Likewise, 1D-wavelet is applied to quantify the bedform features of the Parana River. Since bedforms in natural channels predominantly show three-dimensional patterns, we discuss the limitations of one-dimensional wavelet transforms to capture such patterns.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaWorld Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011
Subtítulo de la publicación alojadaBearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
Número de páginas9
EstadoPublicada - 2011
Publicado de forma externa
EventoWorld Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Palm Springs, CA, Estados Unidos
Duración: 22 may. 201126 may. 2011

Serie de la publicación

NombreWorld Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress


ConferenciaWorld Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability
País/TerritorioEstados Unidos
CiudadPalm Springs, CA


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