Middleware Design for Application Integration in IoT Networks

Jorge Benavides Aspiazu, Hugo E. Hernandez-Figueroa

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


The Internet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly developed field because of how it is affecting virtually all aspects of society. In this context, the amount of data and objects that integrate into this new internet is exploding and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. One of the main challenges that the IoT is still facing is the ease of integration between applications and the general infrastructure underneath: namely a simple way of allowing horizontal integration. This paper proposes the use of a framework that allows for a direct horizontal integration between the different IoT elements that could be present within any system.
Idioma originalEspañol
Título de la publicación alojadaProceedings - 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2017
Número de páginas6
EstadoPublicada - 4 dic. 2018
Publicado de forma externa

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