Estudio comparativo por género, en el uso de mobiliario en una universidad peruana

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

1 Cita (Scopus)


In university classrooms, chairs and tables of unique and standardized dimensions, not adaptable, are normally used. This furniture is used by all students without distinction of sex. It is usual in these cases to receive some criticisms about bad postures, in particular by female students, but no serious study has been done in this regard at this university. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of the male and female university population, separately, who cannot comfortably use such furniture, for which the tables and chairs of a new classroom building were taken into account. One of the reasons why a previous study has not been carried out is the difficulty of using an anthropometer to obtain the dimensions of the students, so a methodology has been used to find the necessary body dimensions for the study, from of his height only. This dimension is very easy to obtain. Additionally, the weight was included, which also included a study of student obesity, which could influence the use of the indicated furniture. The most significant result is that a percentage greater than 90% of female students have difficulty sitting and using tables in classrooms, considering the most important dimensional variables in the sitting position, so their health could be at risk, due to to the large number of hours they can spend using the chairs and tables in their classrooms. The entire student body can be included and with the results, you can determine the dimensions of the furniture, instruments, machines that will be used from now on.

Título traducido de la contribuciónComparative study by gender, in the use of furniture in a Peruvian university
Idioma originalEspañol
Título de la publicación alojada18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Subtítulo de la publicación alojada"Engineering, Integration, and Alliances for a Sustainable Development" "Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on a Knowledge-Based Economy", LACCEI 2020
EditorialLatin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions
ISBN (versión digital)9789585207141
EstadoPublicada - 2020
Evento18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: "Engineering, Integration, and Alliances for a Sustainable Development" "Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on a Knowledge-Based Economy", LACCEI 2020 - Virtual, Online
Duración: 27 jul. 202031 jul. 2020

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
ISSN (versión digital)2414-6390


Conferencia18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: "Engineering, Integration, and Alliances for a Sustainable Development" "Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on a Knowledge-Based Economy", LACCEI 2020
CiudadVirtual, Online

Palabras clave

  • Furniture
  • Health
  • Physical ergonomics


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