Design of a Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) with Addition of Recycled Rubber for the Reduction of Permanent Deformation

Lucero Sandoval, Luis Marceliano, Manuel Silvera, Fernando Campos

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


In recent years, the growth of the automotive fleet in Lima has caused its main roads to experience fatigue failures in the asphalt layer due to permanent deformations that affect the pavement’s useful life. Warm Mix Asphalt meets the sufficient requirements to improve the structural behavior of flexible pavements. They have similar or superior behavior to conventional asphalt mixtures since they reach higher compaction densities. This allows a reduction in the aging of the binder, which works at lower mixing and compaction temperatures. The use of rubber in the warm mix not only improves the strength of the asphalt mixes but also improves durability, rutting, and fatigue. The laboratory results, the product of the softening point, and penetration tests show that the Warm Mix Asphalt with 18% recycled rubber reduces the deformations caused by fatigue by 50% when experiencing a cyclic load of 650N and 1300N, which represents felt the traffic congestion. In conclusion, it can be said that the Warm Mix Asphalt with the addition of recycled rubber improves the permanent deformations of the pavements, as a result of a higher viscosity in the mixture and a greater amount of air, which gives greater rigidity to the asphalt binder.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaProceedings of the 6th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2020 - Emerging Trends and Challenges in Technology
EditoresYuzo Iano, Osamu Saotome, Guillermo Kemper, Ana Claudia Mendes de Seixas, Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira
EditorialSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Número de páginas9
ISBN (versión impresa)9783030756796
EstadoPublicada - 2021
Publicado de forma externa
Evento6th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2020 - Virtual, Online
Duración: 26 oct. 202028 oct. 2020

Serie de la publicación

NombreSmart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
ISSN (versión impresa)2190-3018
ISSN (versión digital)2190-3026


Conferencia6th Brazilian Technology Symposium, BTSym 2020
CiudadVirtual, Online


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