Three flavor long-wavelength vacuum oscillation solution to the solar neutrino problem

A. M. Gago, H. Nunokawa, R. Zukanovich Funchal

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14 Scopus citations


We investigate the current status of the long-wavelength vacuum oscillation solution to the solar neutrino problem and to what extent the presence of a third neutrino can affect and modify it. Assuming that the smaller mass squared difference that can induce such oscillations Δm212 is in the range 10-11-10-8 eV2 and the larger one, Δm223, in the range relevant to atmospheric neutrino observations, we analyze the most recent solar neutrino data coming from Homestake, SAGE, GALLEX, GNO, and Super-Kamiokande experiments in the context of three neutrino generations. We include in our vacuum oscillation analysis the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) effect in the Sun, which is relevant for some of the parameter space scrutinized. We have also performed, as an extreme exercise, the fit without Homestake data. While we found that the MSW effect basically does not affect the best fitted parameters, it significantly modifies the allowed parameter space for Δm212 larger than ∼ 3 × 10-10 eV2, in good agreement with the result obtained by Friedland in the case of two generations. Although the presence of a third neutrino does not essentially improve the quality of the fit, the solar neutrino data alone can give an upper bound on θ13, which is constrained to be less than ∼60° at 95 % C.L.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)130051+1300518-1300520
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2001


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