The Socratic ethos and the formation of being in legal education

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3 Scopus citations


The present investigation presents certain characteristics of the Socratic ethos as seen through the lens of Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt's last works, as well as our interpretation of the Socratic dialogues and what other authors hold in regards to Socrates. Based on our research, we propose a way to understand the university student's dimension of being. Moreover, we look into our approach's potential to promote educational work based around the law student's being. Our proposal focuses in finding spaces in which to promote dialogues where students can reveal the truth of their own thoughts and the modes of living associated with them, so that they can set to work on themselves. A pivotal point of the proposal lies in understanding that law students undergo a series of life experience under regulatory systems prior to their training in law, such as family or school. Said experiences imprint notions and modes of living under regulatory systems that will influence their comprehension and experience of law. Thus, the Socratic ethos could prove a way to work with said notions so that students can examine them in a debate context steered by humility, courage, cohesiveness and a passion for interrogation.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)195-224
Number of pages30
JournalRevista Pedagogia Universitaria y Didactica del Derecho
StatePublished - 19 Jun 2020

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