The Peruvian sub-Andean foreland basin system: Structural overview, geochronologic constraints, and unexplored plays

Patrice Baby, Ysabel Calderón, Stéphane Brusset, Martin Roddaz, Stéphanie Brichau, Adrien Eude, Gérome Calves, Alejandro Quispe, Léonardo Ramirez, Asaid Bandach, Rolando Bolaños, Christian Hurtado, Mélanie Louterbach, Nicolas Espurt

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

40 Scopus citations


In the Peruvian sub-Andean foreland basin system, the construction of serial balanced cross-sections from a good set of structural data and an extensive knowledge of the stratigraphy and geodynamic evolution allow a more refined definition of the unexplored plays, as subthrusts, duplexes, or pre-Andean structures. Sequential restorations are proposed by coupling thermochronologic analyses with growth strata studies. The results show significant north-south variations in geometry, timing and rates of deformation, and foreland sedimentation. These latitudinal variations are not only related to the pre-Andean basins' inheritance but also to the interactions between thrusts propagation, erosion, and sedimentation. Thermochronologic ages correspond to the most recent thrust-related uplifts and are supplemented by the study of stratigraphic foreland basin records that can bring to light oldest tectonic events. North of the Peruvian sub-Andean zone, thrusts propagation is controlled by thick-skinned and thin-skinned salt tectonics. Northern thick-skinned tectonics has westward vergence and is inherited from a Middle Permian fold-and-thrust belt. To the south, thrusts deformation is largely controlled by the geometry of the preserved Paleozoic sedimentary wedge and becomes progressively thin skinned. Total sub-Andean shortening varies between 70 km (43 mi) in the north and 47 km (29 mi) in the south. Sub-Andean deformation started in the Late Cretaceous. After a period of quiescence during the middle Eocene, it reactivated and is still active. Three stages of sub-Andean deformation are clearly identified and help to define the preservation time in the suggested petroleum plays.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPetroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia
EditorsGonzalo Zamora Zamora, Ken R. McClay, Victor A. Ramos
PublisherAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9780891813972
StatePublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameAAPG Memoir
ISSN (Print)0271-8529


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