Sterol composition in plants is specific to pollen, leaf, pollination and pollinator

Samuel Furse, Carlos Martel, Abdikarim Yusuf, Gemma C. Shearman, Hauke Koch, Philip C. Stevenson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Sterols have several roles in planta, including as membrane components. Sterols are also essential nutrients for insects. Based on this, and the different functions of leaves and pollen, we tested the hypotheses that (a) the sterolome is different in leaves and pollen from the same plant, (b) pollens from wind- and insect pollinated plants comprise different sterols, and (c) sterol provision in pollen-rewarding angiosperms differs from nectar-rewarding species. A novel approach to sterolomics was developed, using LCMS to determine the sterol profile of leaf and pollen from a taxonomically diverse range of 36 plant species. Twenty-one sterols were identified unambiguously, with several more identified in trace amounts. C29 sterols dominated the sterolome in most plants. The sterol composition was significantly different in leaf and pollen and their main sterols evolved in different ways. The sterolome of pollen from animal- and wind-pollinated was also significantly different, but not between nectar- and pollen-rewarding species. Our results suggest that the sterol composition in different plant tissues is linked to their biological functions. Sterol composition in pollen might be driven by physical role rather than the nutrient needs of pollinating insects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113800
StatePublished - Oct 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Nutrient provision
  • Phytosterol biosynthesis
  • Pollinators
  • Sterolomics
  • Taxonomy


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