Revising the solution of the neutrino oscillation parameter degeneracies at neutrino factories

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In the context of neutrino factories, we review the solution of the degeneracies in the neutrino oscillation parameters. In particular, we have set limits to sin 22θ13 in order to accomplish the unambiguous determination of θ23 and δ. We have performed two different analysis. In the first, at a baseline of 3000 km, we simulate a measurement of the channels νe→νμ, νe→ντ, and ν̄μ→ν̄ μ, combined with their respective conjugate ones, with a muon energy of 50 GeV and a running time of five years. In the second, we merge the simulated data obtained at L=3000km with the measurement of νe→νμ channel at 7250 km, the so-called "magic baseline." In both cases, we have studied the impact of varying the ντ detector efficiency-mass product, (ντ×Mτ), at 3000 km, keeping unchanged the νμ detector mass and its efficiency. At L=3000km, we found the existence of degenerate zones, that correspond to values of θ13, which are equal or almost equal to the true ones. These zones are extremely difficult to discard, even when we increase the number of events. However, in the second scenario, this difficulty is overcome, demonstrating the relevance of the "magic baseline." From this scenario, the best limits of sin 22θ13, reached at 3σ, for sin 22θ23=0.95, 0.975, and 0.99 are: 0.008, 0.015, and 0.045, respectively, obtained at δ=0, and considering (ντ×Mτ)≈125, which is 5 times the initial efficiency-mass combination. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
Original languageSpanish
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
StatePublished - 12 Feb 2007

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