Kovacs's adjustment of the inventory children depression on adolescents from 12 to 15 years

Yudit Pérez Díaz, C. Vivian M.Guerra Morales, Kenia Mengana Peraza, Magaly Nóblega Mayorga, C. Ricardo Grau Abalo

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Introduction: The assessment of the affective disorders on children and adolescents is one of the principal challenges and needs in the field of the mental health. Objective: To adapt the Kovacs's Inventory for the Cuban adolescents' population from 12 to 15 years. Methods: A work was done with a stratifiedsample formed by 394 adolescents from Villa Clara province. TheKovacs's Adjustment of the InventoryChildren Depression on Adolescents was applied as well as, the Infant Depression Feature - State Self Assessment (IDEREN) as a concurrent measure done together with the participation of CDI. Results: TheKovacs's Inventoryof Children Depression showed temporary stability on the majority of its items. The Alpha of Cronbach reliability coefficient was highly satisfactory. Likewise, the results obtained were favorable related to the concurrent validity. The multivariate analysis showed just one dimension as sufficient to assess the depressive symptomatology of the examined sample. Conclusions: TheKovacs's Inventoryof Children Depression showed to have concrete validity and reliability psychometric properties. The results guarantee a unifactorial structure that includes elements of dysphoria and as well as the one of self steem which coincide with the first versions of the instruments.
Original languageSpanish
JournalRevista del Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2014

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