Information literacy and public libraries in Peru: An approach to its study

Aurora De La Vega

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This paper explores the situation of information literacy activities in a sample formed by the public libraries of the five most populous districts of the province of Lima that serve more than three million inhabitants and represent approximately 37% of the population. For the data collection a documentary study was carried out; observations were applied and semi structured interviews were conducted. The results show that, in spite of national regulations and international recommendations, information literacy is still an unfamiliar concept in the public libraries of the sample, and IL activities are not carried out. District governments seem to ignore the potential and the social returns of libraries, particularly in areas where vast sectors of the population are socially excluded. As a consequence of the precarious situation in terms of personnel, collections, budget, and connectivity, public libraries are prevented from being a suitable space for IL activities.
Original languageSpanish
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2014

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