Evaluating the applicability of a use case precedence diagram based approach in software development projects through a controlled experiment

José Antonio Pow-Sang, Arturo Nakasone, Ana María Moreno, Ricardo Imbert

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Use Cases are the most utilized technique to specify software requirements. Currently, there are several proposals based on this technique to address the problem of determining the scope and construction sequence of a software, but most of them lack ease of use from the developer's perspective. In this paper, we present an approach to determine software construction sequences which emphasizes easiness from the developers' point of view and a controlled experiment based on this approach with professionals who have had at least two years of experience in software projects. The results obtained from this experiment show that our approach enables developers to define construction sequences more precisely than with other ad-hoc techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Security Technology
Subtitle of host publicationInternational Conference, SecTech 2008, and Its Special Sessions, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, December 13-15, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9783642102394
StatePublished - 2009

Publication series

NameCommunications in Computer and Information Science
ISSN (Print)1865-0929


  • Requirements precedence
  • Software engineering experimentation
  • Use case


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