Entangled pathways of the Plantationocene: early colonial monocropping, subaltern agrobiodiversity, and aridity in Andalus (Spain) and Coastal Peru

Karl S. Zimmerer, Ramzi M. Tubbeh, Martha G. Bell

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

1 Scopus citations


The long-term (AD 1300–1800), multi-scale interactions of monocropping and subaltern agri-food systems of Andalus (Spain) and coastal Peru reveal the entangled transformations of the Plantationocene. Historically convergent colonial monocultures (wheat, sugar, cotton, sheep, cattle) entangled with the divergence and plurality of resilient yet precarious diverse-food affordances of subaltern groups (peasants, indigenous people, enslaved persons, Mudejares, Moriscos). Using political ecology, the comparative cases illuminate how Plantationocene colonial entanglements were shaped through spatial movements and social-environmental affordances of biota, populations, and institutions. New empirical understanding and a novel conceptual and analytical framework offer insight into Plantationocene pathways, alternatives, and struggles.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)624-650
Number of pages27
JournalJournal of Peasant Studies
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2024


  • Andalus (Spain) and Peru
  • Plantationocene
  • agrobiodiversity
  • colonial agrarian and food histories
  • critical agrarian studies
  • entanglements
  • monocropping
  • subaltern food


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