Effect of environmental and geological characteristics on water quality in the Caplina river basin, Tacna, Peru

Edwin Pino, Principe Tacora, André Steenken, Luis Alfaro, Angely Valle, Eduardo Chávarri, David Ascencios, Jesús A. Mejía Marcacuzco

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


This work is aimed at determining the water quality in the Caplina basin using a principal components analysis of the geomorphology, geology, environment, and hydrology. To this end, several studies were used, including: Tacna Spatial Project (PET, Spanish acronym) National Water Authority (ANA, Spanish acronym), Local Water Authority (ALA, Spanish acronym), and the National Weather and Water Service (SENAMHI, Spanish acronym), among others. Three geomorphological units were identified: the Western Cordillera, Puna, and the Andes dissected flank with its own characteristics. In addition, the geological formations that affect the water quality of the Caplina Basin were identified based on the geological cartography. The sources with the greatest influence on water quality were determined. These included the Aruma and Paralocos geothermal springs which produce water with high contents of arsenic, lead, and sodium, in concentrations exceeding the Environmental Quality Standard (ECA, Spanish acronym), and high iron concentration in the water channel from the Barroso Chico spring to the Ancoma Creek. The relationships among the geology, climate, and hydrology were identified, which reflect changes in the concentrations of the elements in the water during seasons with low water levels versus those with high levels.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)77-99
Number of pages23
JournalTecnologia y Ciencias del Agua
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes

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