Determination of energy dissipation of a spider silk structure under impulsive loading

J. Alencastre, Carlos Mago, Richard Rivera

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1 Scopus citations


Various researches and studies have demonstrated that spider silk is much stronger and more deformable than a steel string of the same diameter from a mechanical approach. These excellent properties have caused many scientific disciplines to get involved, such as bio-mechanics, bio-materials and bio-mimetics, in order to create a material of similar properties and characteristics. It should be noted that the researches and studies have been oriented mainly as a quasi-static model. For this research, the analysis has taken a dynamic approach and determined the dissipation energy of a structure which is made of spider silk “Dragline” and produced by the Argiope-Argentata spider, through an analytical-experimental way, when being subjected to impulsive loading. Both experimental and analytical results, the latter obtained by using adjusted models, have given high levels of dissipation energy during the first cycle of vibration, which are consistent with the values suggested by other authors.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)306-310
Number of pages5
JournalFrontiers of Mechanical Engineering
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2015

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