Continuous High-altitude measurements of cosmic ray neutrons and seu/mcu at various locations: Correlation and analyses based-on MUSCA SEP3

G. Hubert, R. Velazco, C. Federico, A. Cheminet, Carlos Silva-Cárdenas, L. V.E. Caldas, F. Pancher, V. Lacoste, F. Palumbo, W. Mansour, L. Artola, F. Pineda, S. Duzellier

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41 Scopus citations


In this paper are described measurements at high-altitude of both radiation environment and effects. These measurements comprise cosmic ray neutrons and SBU/MCU on nanoscales devices. Results obtained at Pic-du-Midi, France, and in the city of Puno, Peru, are presented and analyzed. Analyses and cross comparisons based-on MUSCA SEP3 calculations show a good agreement between experimental data and modeling, thus illustrating the importance of the knowledge of the radiation field for a reliable prediction. © 2013 IEEE.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)2418-2426
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
StatePublished - 26 Feb 2013

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