Beliefs about corruption and its valuation in university students and graduates of Lima and Callao. An exploratory study

Agustín Espinosa, María Cecilia Urcia Erazo

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The present study explores the beliefs and attitudes towards corruption of a group of middle-class and university-educated youngpeople in the cities of Lima and Callao (n=22). A qualitative study was developed through in-depth interviews with a guidethat inquired about three central themes (1) the conceptions about corruption, (2) the characteristics attributed to corruptionand (3) the intention to become involved in acts of corruption. e results are contrasted with the definitions that from variousorganizations and from the social sciences have been developed on the subject. Specifically, participants identify three generalconceptions of corruption. e structural conception of corruption defines it as a phenomenon rooted in institutions andnormalized in society. e cultural definition presents corruption as a phenomenon with a historical foundation that influencespeople's identity, and the definition of direct corruption, which includes the daily manifestations of acts of corruption. erepresentation of the phenomenon is mostly negative, however there are some reasons when its presence is considered legitimateor necessary. Finally, the discussion shows how corruption erodes trust and affects life in society through the damage caused tothe public sphere.
Original languageSpanish
JournalUniversidad de Buenos Aires
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2022

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